Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Rewards of Giving to the work of God - Part II

Scripture Texts:  II John 1:8, 1 Corin 16:1-2, Matt 6:1-4, Luke 6:38, Matt 6:19-20, II Kings 4:8-17
 by Kemi O.

4).  A lot of times in our local churches, at offering time, we tend to hear this verse in addition to Malachi  3 quoted from scripture a lot. Luke 6:38 which says " Give and it shall be given unto you, A good measure..." and the Lord is confirming here that when we give to His work, the same measure of which we give shall also be given back to us.  Basically, when we give to God's work and to others, we shall receive abundantly, because the Lord will bless us with so much, which will enable us to have more than enough to give again.

5).  Most of us are familiar with the story of the Shunammite woman in II Kings 4:8-17.  This was a woman whose  name was never disclosed in scripture, but she portrayed such godly traits or qualities that she had to be recognized.  This well to do woman had a gracious, hospitable quality, she was also persistent in nature and kind hearted.  She did not ask the Prophet Elisha to pray for her even though she had a need but all she wanted was for the servant of God to come in and have a meal with she and her family and after much persuasion, Prophet Elisha accepted and continue to stop by whenever he was in town.  After she perceived that he was a servant of God, she went on to prepare a room for him in the event that he visits again.

The Man of God was so moved by her kindness and hospitality that he also insisted on blessing her even though she didnt ask for anything in return.  His servant, Gehazi revealed that she had no child and he now prophesied in her life   saying" About this time next year" you will hold a son in your arms"  and so it happened according to the word spoken by the servant of God, she was blessed with a son the following year, about the same time. Indeed this kind-hearted and gracious woman received a prophet's reward because she opened her home and heart to others, and how blessed she was that this time around, it was a servant of the Most High God.

The Lord loves us so much and enjoys our service and fellowship with Him. His desire is that we worship Him with all that has been given to us from above.  For He is faithful to reward us not just when we get to heaven but also while we are still here on earth. III John 1:2, Psalm 112:1-3
We can begin to reap some of the benefits of serving Him with our time and our finances.  He also wants us to carefully guard all that we have labored for on earth so that we may not lose it, but that we, as believers  may be able to win and receive back a perfect reward in full. II John 1:8.

My dear sisters, daughters of zion, I encourage you today to be faithful stewards, generously give to God's work and to others. Obey and serve the Lord with all that you are and have and prove Him now if He will not bless you greatly in return.  Learn to trust Him to be your source and provider and see what great and mighty works He will do in your lives as a result of your obedience and faithfulness.

 Be blessed and encouraged for the Lord shall give us the grace and ability to give joyfully and willingly towards the building of His kingdom.

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US Independence Day Greetings

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