The Journey of a Christian Mom

This page was created as an additional encouragement for every godly woman who is striving to raise and nurture godly children in today's world. 

 Occasionally I will share articles and encouraging posts from others on this page. We live in a society where the internet, the government, the streets, etc., are raising the next generation, which is highly unacceptable. As believers, we have been instructed and given the responsibilities by the Lord God to nurture and take care of the children (the fruit of the womb) that He has given us. It is not the job of the government, media, or technology to raise our kids. Of course, there is only so far, we can go with raising our children in the way of the Lord; it is God alone who has the final say over their lives. We must never forget they are the Lord's, and He will also do His part in our children's lives. As parents, we must adhere to the instructions of the Lord concerning our children because, as in other things, He entrusts in our hands (time, talents, etc.), we shall surely give an account of our children. 

Please do not hesitate to comment or ask questions on any posts that blesses you. 

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
 Proverbs 22:6 KJV

You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 

Deuteronomy 6:7  ESV

"But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ."So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." 

Romans 14:10,12

To the glory of God, I am blessed with six children. I am a mother of 2 beautiful children, a 13-year-old and a 9-year-old, and a foster mom of 4 incredible kiddos ranging from 6 to 2 years of age. My little ones have been in my care for almost two years now. My journey as a Christian mom began 13 years ago, and before that, God had taken me through a preparation period in my early 20s' by enabling me to help care for 3 of my cousins after the sudden loss of their father. These boys of yesterday are now grown men in their 30s". God is great!!!

Stay at Home Mom, who knew!
These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.” Titus 2:4-5

I know several expectant mothers make decisions ahead of time to become stay-at-home moms during their children’s first few years of life. I even had some friends who did, but I never envisioned myself to be one of them. I have always been a workaholic, not the first to get to the office but one of the last to leave. I loved my job and enjoyed the freedom of leaving the office whenever I chose and heading home to a quiet evening or heading to dinner with friends. Of course, that was before I got married and had a kid. LOL. I knew those luxuries for me were gone…. When my daughter was born, one look at her innocent, angelic face convinced me that I did not want to be separated from my baby girl, not for one minute. 

I instantly fell in love with her, and she made that decision for me and her dad. Yes, I became a stay-at-home mom for the first year of her life. I wished I had extended it for another year, but due to financial challenges my husband and I were facing, it was time for me to get back to work. I made sure I sought out an excellent daycare for her. Before finding a daycare center, I had a friend with a 1-year-old daughter, and we agreed to care for each other’s kids. She worked the graveyard shift while I did the 8-5. After a few days of her watching my kid, I knew it was time for me to enroll my child in daycare. Not that I didn’t trust my friend with my child, but I felt she had her hands full with other things, and it was affecting her caring for my child the way I wanted her to. 

Through a colleague at work, I was able to find a home-based daycare close to my house and it was run by a beautiful Christian Woman who everywhere called “Nana” She was in her 60s’ at the time. My daughter and I instantly bonded with her. (I knew it was a “God thing” finding this woman) She became my 2nd mom, whenever I go to pick up my little girl from work, I ended up staying an extra 30-45 minutes just chatting away, sharing the word of God, life challenges, family, etc. 
She along with her family included us in outings like going on picnics, a trip to the Jersey Shores (we were living in New Jersey at the time).    Her family became my second family and at that time I needed that support because my parents and husband were overseas at the time.   It was a wonderful period in my life as a new mom and being encouraged and counseled by this Woman of God, a woman who was well experience in the raising of children - She was blessed with seven children, and several grandchildren. It was truly an honor and a privilege.  Nana was Gabi’s daycare provider for almost 2 years, and it was very emotional when we had to say good-bye as a result of our pcs move (relocation) to Ft. Bliss, Texas.  Hmm! come to think of it, this was the first time I can say, I had a woman in my life who was a Spiritual Counselor & Mentor.  We have continued to stay in touch especially with her daughters who are a few years older than me.

As Christian women on this journey of life, it is always good to have a godly woman in your life who is seasoned and you can trust to be honest with you, be genuinely interested in you and want to see you fulfill your purpose as a wife, mother, and daughter of the KING.

He Protects...…

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ” Psalm 46:1
My heart sank, and I began to shake in total fear when my mother-in-law rushed into my classroom where I had just wrapped up my Sunday School lesson with the children and informed me that my 3-year son had run out into the parking lot and my daughter ran after him to get him to come in. She was taking care of them while I was in class. Within a blink of an eye, I dashed past her towards the exits…people were staring, wondering what was happening. I saw my kids, my 2 babies, running in the busy parking lot and my son about to head to the busy road… I was thinking to myself, Lord, where do I begin again after all the pains and challenges, I endured having them? I called my daughter to come back and, with everything in me, pleaded with my little boy to come to me while earnestly praying to God at the same time. I kept saying "protect him, Lord"! My mom-in-law was praying simultaneously in Yoruba language (Her native tongue) … I begged him to come to get some cookies… He heard that and finally started walking towards us, giggling because, to him, he was having innocent fun, no clue what was going on…cars drove out everywhere because service was over. Mind you; this was a relatively big church of over 1000 people. A part of me wondered how he could slip past their grandma and manage to run out the door that fast, but I didn't want to go there with those thoughts at that moment because I saw how scared she looked.
My fellow mamas, all I can say is that… God sent His angels to protect my little boy…. As busy as that parking lot was, it was a miracle that he wasn't hit or seriously injure or worse when he ran towards the end of the parking lot that led out to the main road. It was the scariest moments of my life. It took me a long while to share the ordeal with my husband, who was out of the town at the time. It shook me to my core. 
I praise and bless the name of the Lord for that day. He is truly the God that shields and protects His own, our refuge and strength. That faithful summer day in 2012, I knew He genuinely loved and care for my family and I.  In conversations with my mother-in-law later that day, she reassured me that because I was doing His work at that moment, He ensured that my child was covered amid inevitable danger. He protected both my children that day and has continued to do so.
I decree that so shall He continue to shield and protect yours as well, in Jesus' name.

Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—
    the Highest, who is my refuge[b]
no evil shall be allowed to befall you,
    no plague come near your tent.

 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up,
    lest you strike your foot against a stone.”
Psalm 91:9-12

A Mother’s Love

The love a mother has for a son
is without measure.
From the moment that life begins
a mother’s heart is our heart.
Her heart is our life,
until we are born.
Then she carries us in her heart
and in her prayers.
Her love for us is overshadowed
only by God’s love.
As we are in our Mother’s heart
We are in the heart of God.
He carries us in His heart until the day
we are joined once again with Him.
His love knows no bounds,
His love has no limits.
His love is with us
even in our darkest hour.
May God’s love and blessing
be with you in this hour of need.

By John Stevens

Faithful Woman

TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1, by Os Hillman
Posted 10-08-2012

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."Proverbs 31:28

She was the Vice President of Household Affairs for her entire adult life. She had a husband, four daughters, and one son whom she managed. Her calling was not to the workplace; it was to the home. It was a calling that she fulfilled well. She often went beyond her job description to fulfill menial tasks like sewing clothes for her twin girls, playing dolls, and even playing catch with the only boy in the clan.
Things were going along well until midway in life a telephone call came that changed everything. The caller informed her that the love of her life had been killed in an airplane crash. She was in her early 40's, still beautiful, with five kids to raise on her own in spite of the fact that she hadn't worked in the business place for nearly 20 years. The death of her husband removed their steady upper middle-class income, and she was now faced with the greatest test of her life. 
At her lowest moment, wondering how she was going to make it, she cried out to God. God answered, "Trust Me, Lillian." Those audible words became the strength that she needed to care for her family for the next 40 years. From that moment on, she came to know her Savior personally and shared Him with her family. Her children came to know Him as well. Grandchildren became the recipient of her prayers, and they came to know Him too. She was building an inheritance in Heaven, one prayer at a time, one soul at a time. She never remarried; Christ became her Husband.

Whatever wisdom and encouragement have come to you through these devotionals, it is only as a result of one who answered the call to the greatest and most important workplace there is: the home. You can thank my mom, Lillian Hillman, for whatever grace you have gained from these messages throughout the year, because she remained faithful to the call to invest in those she was called to love and serve. "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."

How Do You Honor Your Mother?

Scripture text:  Exodus 20:12
by Dr. Charles Stanley
Posted May 10, 2012

The command to "honor...your mother" is not a suggestion, and there are no exemptions.  Her character or effectiveness as a parent is not the issue.  God established this guideline for Israel because a respectful home was crucial to their future success as a nation.  The same is true for us today.  God blesses our homes when we respect our mothers with words, attitudes, and actions.

Love her unconditionally.  We're called to love our moms as God does.  He didn't qualify His love for us with expectations and conditions that must first be met.  He simply lavished His affection upon us while we were still sinners ( Rom. 5:8).

Show her compassionate forgiveness.  Since there are no perfect mothers, at times we'll have to forgive them.  If your mom seems harsh or unloving, show her compassion.  She may have experienced hardships as a child that wounded her spirit.

Remember her gratefully.  Thank Mom this Mother's Day for all she did for you as a child. But don't let it end there.  Nothing is more hurtful than feeling forgotten.  Make room for her in your busy schedule.  After all, she made countless sacrifices for you.

Treat her kindly.  Let your mother know that she's valued.  Take time to listen attentively when she speaks, and help her out when she is in need.

Does your mother feel loved and honored?  What can you do that will bring a smile to her face? In our adult years, it's easy to distance ourselves from our moms because life gets hectic and multiple demands steal our time, Make it a habit to pray for her daily and contact her regularly.

A Mother Who Prays       
 Author Unknown

Some have had kings in their lineage,

Some to whom honor was paid.
Not blest of my ancestors - but,
I have a mother who prays.

I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
Oh what a difference it makes for me -
I have a mother who prays.

Some have worldly success
And trust in riches they've made -
This is my surest asset,
I have a mother who prays.

My mother's prayers cannot save me,
Only mine can avail;
But mother introduced me to Someone -
Someone who never could fail.

Oh yes...I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
O what a difference it makes for me -
I have a mother who prays.

The Service of Motherhood
Philippians 2:1-11

Children are a blessing from the Lord (Ps. 127:3-5).  Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood.  Everyday women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families.  Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.

Sometimes this constant serving can be exhausting and even discouraging particularly for a first-time mother.  But you can take real encouragement from Jesus.  One of the best examples of gracious servanthood is found in John 13:3-16.  By kneeling to wash His disciples' feet, the Lord showed that the key to true leadership is humility.  And it is humility that leads to eternal reward.

Unless you are willing to stoop down and get your hands dirty, you will miss the real riches of motherhood.  By dying to your own desires and pouring your life into someone else, you become like Christ and create a godly legacy that will carry on for generations to come.  What greater blessing could one hope for? Of course, the motivation for serving others is not to reap benefits, but when we follow God's plan for our life, that's what happens.

In giving us children, God places parents  in a position of both leadership and service.  He calls us to give up our lives for someone else's sake- to abandon our own desires and put our child's interest first.  Yet, according to his perfect design, it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled.

By Dr Charles F. Stanley

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