Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Finding Hope in GOD

I have been making my way through the bible this year, studying and meditating on the word of God.  I have received several new revelations so far and it has been awesome. Today I want to share one of those revelations.  It is in the book of Lamentations, chapter 3:19-23.  "Remember my affliction and my wanderings,   the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[a]  his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;  great is your faithfulness."

I believe we can all relate to this passage in scripture at one time or the other in our lives. Most of us have experienced one or multiple afflictions in our lifetime and of course its never pleasant.  It tears at the core of one's heart and soul and takes a long time to recover.    Affliction can be so excruciating to the human soul and spirit that the Bible text compares it to the bitterness of wormwood, which is an aromatic plant and gall, the secretion or substance that comes from the liver, both have a very bitter taste. 

Lamentations is not one of the books in the bible that people are often eager to read but it is really loaded with poetry and songs that help us, as individuals to understand an important aspect of  our relationship with God – It reminds us how normal it is to express grief and distress in various circumstances that occur in our lives.  

  Twelve years ago, I lost a daughter after 9 months of looking forward to carrying my beautiful child. It was by far the worst pain and heartache I had encountered in my life and even after everyone forgets, the emptiness and pain still linger on... 
But for God,  I would have lost hope, especially for the fact that during that period, things were very challenging for my family i.e financially.   I have known of some who turned away from God either for a period of time or permanently because the pain and anger were just too much to bear.  Hopelessness and bitterness set in,  but there are those like me, who were of course hurt and angry but, instead of running away from the Lord, we ran to Him and He was there to carry us through.   You can not judge how a person handles their pain or anger, but you can be there for them; offering support, a listening ear, prayers, etc.
The writers of the book of Lamentations knew pain as well, they witnessed the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and the killings of so many of their people, some sent away in exile. But in spite of all the afflictions, they held on the promises of God and remembering how God had always been faithful and this gave them hope.  

And so the same thing goes for us my beloved friends, that no matter what we may have been through or still passing through, run towards the father, remember his promises, remember all the times he has been there for you, thank him for your life that he has kept up til now. In my case,  but for God, I won't be here today, I could have died during childbirth.  But he gave me strength and hope to keep living.   Today, he has blessed me with more children and so much to be thankful.  His words say in verse 22-23 " The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[a]his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.    If you do not remember anything else in this short exhortation, just remember these verses.  

 I am a Life coach who specializes in grief and loss of any kind; specifically the loss of a child, marriage.

If you are needing helping in moving past the hurt and anger, so that you can live God's best life for you in your new reality, give me a call today  505-226-1832, visit our website the contact page) or our Fpage;   living water christian services and book an appointment with us. 
Remember our hope is in God; for He indeed is faithful.  God bless you all!

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