Sunday, June 23, 2019

Choose Today Whom You Will Serve: GOD or SELF

Main text: Joshua 24:15 

Supporting Text: Hebrews 11:25

As individuals, our lives are typically centered on decisions we make every single day both individually & and as a group (as in personal relationships, family settings, etc.). We make choices in different situations ranging from simple things like what we will have for dinner tonight, to a more complicated decision such as choosing the right home to purchase. Whatever decisions we make; it is either going to end up as a positive experience or negative experience for us over time.

What do we mean by "Choice"?

The dictionary's definition of choice is an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.

Friends, everyone has been given free will by the Lord God, whether you believe in His existence or not. You and I have been given the power to choose between right and wrong, but know this, whatever decisions you make, will either make or mar (negatively impact) you. The choices you select shapes who you become over time.

Although human beings have been given the ability to make choices, we also have the responsibility to choose wisely. If you do not choose carefully, some consequences will negatively affect you at some point or the other. Throughout the Old Testament, you can see how the children of God suffered greatly in the hands of their enemies as a result of their poor choices, poor decision making.

Have you ever examined yourself before, the choice words you use when you are talking about your life, what you want to accomplish?

For example,

If you find yourself saying this,

When I finish with this, I am doing this, this and that, in five years, I must get this and that done. I will move to x location and will do this and that... It's I, I and I (self). Does this sound like flesh talking? Not to say there is anything wrong with wanting to be successful in your activities here on earth. It is a pleasant thing! And it is the Lord's desire for us to prosper and be in health.    3 John 2      

But my question to you is;

In all your wanting to do this or that…Have you ever included God in your conversation, your decision making? Have you ever said, "Lord show me your will for my life"? Or   "Lord, if it's your will, let me do this and that within this x period for I know your plans for me are good and not of evil." Jeremiah 29:11.

When you try to accomplish things without God's direction or approval, and it backfires, guess who you come running to or blaming for your failures?


Human beings, even the ones who claim He doesn't exist, blame him for every single thing that happens to them.

As believers, the question you should ask ourselves when it comes to making choices in your lives are "This decision I am about to make or take, does it align with God's will"? Am I aiming to please God or please myself?

You must be true to ourselves and be ready to take ownership of the choices you make both good and bad.  

At some time in our lives, most of us have made decisions that negatively affected us. Some of us are still being impacted today by the choices we made years ago or months ago. I have made some unwise decisions in my life that has cost me dearly. I refused to allow the Lord to lead and direct my path even when He kept tugging at my inner man. As a result, I suffered the consequences of my actions; I owned my mistakes and had to repent and seek the Lord's forgiveness. 1st John 1:9. The Lord is faithful, the God of a second chance gave me another chance, and many things previously lost as a result of my disobedience and selfish acts were restored. Our God is merciful!

Joshua in our main text called on the children of Israel to choose this day whom they will serve, God or idols?  He was basically telling them to put away all these idols, fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully and if they have a problem with serving God, they need to make a choice right now, you can’t serve both God and idols.  As for him (Joshua) and his household, they will be serving the Lord for the rest of their lives.  

Beloved, in every moment of your existence, you have a choice to make. Which choice will you make today?

Are you prepared to let go of self and serve God?

Are you ready to surrender totally to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and let Him live through you?

Are you ready to put your complete trust in Him and allow Him to direct your path?

The decision you make today will prepare you for eternity, either way, the fundamental question is which direction of eternity? heaven or eternal separation from God (hell)?  I pray you will make the right decision today; 

Choose heaven, choose eternal life,

Choose today to serve God and not-self.


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