Monday, August 27, 2018

God is Interested in Your Everyday Life

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
    He delights in every detail of their lives."  Psalm 37:23 NLT

Not too long ago, I was sharing with a client of mine who comes in for counseling & prayers how God is not just interested  or pleased with us when we do "spiritual" things such as reading our bible, engaging in prayer sessions, attending church service or bible study but also everything else in our lives.   It took me some years as  I matured as a believer to realize that and when I did, everywhere I went, whatever I did, He was always on my mind. I was conscious of His presence.  I shared how if I happen to misplace my car keys and blurt out "Lord help me find my keys."  Without really going on my knees to ask Him,  I would hear that small soft voice leading to where it was or a just a thought will drop in my spirit.   I will find myself heading in the direction where I last saw the keys.  That is God for you.

Beloved, God is very concerned and interested in the things that concern us. He is interested in waking us up in the morning so that we are not late for school, work or that appointment. He is interested in driving with us to work, running errands, to a sporting event, etc..  He is concerned about us when we are tired, sad or troubled and is there to give us comfort and encouragement.  He enjoys watching us do chores around the home, e.g., laundry, cooking, cleaning and also when we sit down at the table as a family or couple eating and talking about how our day went.  God enjoys every detail of our lives and is not happy when we do not involve Him in it.  After all, He is our Father, a loving one for that matter.  

Scripture tells us in our main text today that He orders the steps of the godly, that is you and me, and he delights or takes pleasure in every human activity we perform on a daily basis, except for sin of course.   Like any parent, who enjoys watching their children grow into matured and responsible young men and women, so does our heavenly Father, who also delights in seeing us progress, seeing us succeeding in life as a result of the  diverse talents, abilities and spiritual gifts He has given us to be used here on earth for His glory.   What displeases Him is when we do not appreciate all that He has given us and enjoy the life He has given unto us for a season.  Psalms 33:15 states. "
He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their works "  According to John Gills exposition of the Bible, it means He forms or molds the hearts of his people anew for himself.   He forms Christ in them, and every grace of his Spirit; he builds them into one, and knits and unites them together in love, and makes them like to one another; for as face answers to face in the water, so do the hearts and experiences of the saints one to another.  He also understands all they do and carefully observes their activities.   Beloved, it brings joy to the Father's heart when we value and appreciate all that He has given us, and He also wants us to be conscious of His interest in our everyday lives. 
Do you know the Lord also takes pleasure in you when you enjoy His creation, the entire universe?  He loves watching you and me admiring nature, the stars, and space in general, the flowers, the trees, the animals, the mountains and valleys, the oceans and seas, the grasslands, etc.  He has given us all the five senses to enjoy these things.  And guess what, every time we enjoy the rest of His creation, it is an act of true worship when we show our gratitude for it.  

Sisters, our God created us in His image and likeness for His enjoyment and His good pleasure. He has also given us the rest of creation for our enjoyment as well.   As you enjoy all that the Lord has provided for you, allow Him to also enjoy every part of you by intentionally including Him in every activity of your life.  As you do so, He will continue to bless and keep you secured under the shadow of His wings.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.  Phil 2:13 KJV

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Working together as One Body

" For as in one body we have many members,[a] and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.Romans 12:4-5 ESV

Like any business or organization, the body of Christ, the global church within its individual local assemblies have to work together in one accord to fulfill the purpose and vision of the church.  We are called to walk in holy fellowship together, breaking bread, sympathizing with, and serving each other until Jesus returns for His bride (the Church).    It baffles me when I see the lack of teamwork, lack of unity in the church. 

 Everyone wants to do their own thing, you see individuals in the church trying to hoard all the work; taking on many duties for the wrong reasons and you also see some that do not want to do anything, but come to church, sit in the pews, give their tithes and offering and leave.  They do this without even being concerned about what they are contributing to the house of God or the body of Christ aside from their financial gifts which we are encouraged in scripture to give. We can't stay idle, we have to keep busy working for the Lord until his return.  1 Corinthians 15:58  

 In the body of Christ, we are told in the above scripture that there are many members and we have been given diverse gifts and talents in order to use for service in the offices/positions we are to hold in the church.  Apostle Paul beautifully illustrates how various members of our human frame are all useful and honorable in their allocated place; all designed for a specific task, so the church is one body, consisting of many members, and each is suited to be useful and comely in its proper place.

Friends, regardless of what congregation you attend or denomination you belong to, all of us (believers) make up the global/universal church where Christ is the head and so no matter where you find yourself, be ready to work together with the brethren to fulfill the purpose of the church of Christ.  I encourage you today if you are not doing so, to find your place in the body of Christ and begin to utilize the gifts and skills you have been given to serve alongside other believers in your local assembly or in your community and the Lord will bless and strengthen you as you do. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Put On Humility

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.   Romans 12:3 KJV

Apostle Paul, in our main scripture text, is cautioning every believer to be truthful(honest)as they evaluate themselves, not thinking of themselves or believing that they are better than they are. I categorize this phrase under "pride." When you think about pride, it is saying to yourself and those around you that you are superior to everyone else. And so, it is essential to be sober and vigilant, with an honest mind, examining yourselves daily to ensure that you are remaining true to yourself, using good sense, and measuring yourself by the amount of faith that God has given you (plain text by the Contemporary English version). Some people may argue thinking highly of yourself does not necessarily mean arrogance. However, if you pay attention to what Brother Paul was saying in this verse, " Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think," so he is not saying that it's terrible to think of yourself highly but to the point of it leading to an arrogant and superior attitude.

The spirit of pride is a deadly spirit that every human must be careful of. Many believers have fallen victim to the spirit of pride, destroying several destinies. Remember, the same prideful spirit brought down Lucifer from the glorious place God had put him. This dangerous spirit has existed since the beginning of time. See Isaiah 14:12-15. A proud heart is deadly, and we, as believers, must accurately assess ourselves daily to ensure that the spirit of pride has not enslaved our hearts.

Beloved, always strive to live a life of humility, and do not think of yourself highly or better than the next person because of what God has blessed you with (i.e., material wealth, good education, beauty/looks, spiritual gifts, children, spouse, etc.), do not look down on others because they don't have what you have. Pride is the quickest route to eternal damnation, and I decree it shall not be our portion in Jesus' name. I encourage you to examine yourself daily to ensure that no iota of pride should be found in you. Be alert (vigilant) because pride can creep in at any time due to our sinful nature. Allow the Lord to lift you and exalt you in due season; instead of boasting in yourself, boast in the Lord, giving all the glory to Him.

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