Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Working together as One Body

" For as in one body we have many members,[a] and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.Romans 12:4-5 ESV

Like any business or organization, the body of Christ, the global church within its individual local assemblies have to work together in one accord to fulfill the purpose and vision of the church.  We are called to walk in holy fellowship together, breaking bread, sympathizing with, and serving each other until Jesus returns for His bride (the Church).    It baffles me when I see the lack of teamwork, lack of unity in the church. 

 Everyone wants to do their own thing, you see individuals in the church trying to hoard all the work; taking on many duties for the wrong reasons and you also see some that do not want to do anything, but come to church, sit in the pews, give their tithes and offering and leave.  They do this without even being concerned about what they are contributing to the house of God or the body of Christ aside from their financial gifts which we are encouraged in scripture to give. We can't stay idle, we have to keep busy working for the Lord until his return.  1 Corinthians 15:58  

 In the body of Christ, we are told in the above scripture that there are many members and we have been given diverse gifts and talents in order to use for service in the offices/positions we are to hold in the church.  Apostle Paul beautifully illustrates how various members of our human frame are all useful and honorable in their allocated place; all designed for a specific task, so the church is one body, consisting of many members, and each is suited to be useful and comely in its proper place.

Friends, regardless of what congregation you attend or denomination you belong to, all of us (believers) make up the global/universal church where Christ is the head and so no matter where you find yourself, be ready to work together with the brethren to fulfill the purpose of the church of Christ.  I encourage you today if you are not doing so, to find your place in the body of Christ and begin to utilize the gifts and skills you have been given to serve alongside other believers in your local assembly or in your community and the Lord will bless and strengthen you as you do. 

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