Sunday, March 12, 2017

What is your Story?

      Beloved, everyone has a story to tell. The Bible tells us that we are chosen by God to declare the goodness of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9.   This means that God has chosen you to share your story, the story that will proclaim His glory for all to hear.  I read somewhere that our story might just be the prescription or medication for the addict who is looking for hope of freedom, for a light at the end of the tunnel.  It might be for the lonely sister who need hope of love, the regretful individual seeking hope of a new beginning or the youth who needs hope that God's power is available to hold him or her in purity.    Whatever your story reveals, do not give up, do not back up or shut up,  but speak up because it needs to be heard.  

 Do not let the enemy of your progress i.e satan shut you up, it is not until you have gone to prison, being a drug addict, prostitute or alcoholic before you know you have a story to tell.  Many people have never experienced or being any of the above stated but they have had their own struggles and challenges in life that gives them a reason to speak up and testify.   No matter what you have gone through in this life,  know  that as a believer, Christ has put His Spirit in each of us which therefore gives us  the ability to share with the world His immeasurable love and His plans for those who love Him and want to serve Him.

    The Lord has deposited in each of us gifts, (spiritual) gifts that will bless and impact the lives of others for the kingdom.  These gifts are to be used to serve Him in different capacities in the body of Christ.  It is to be used to change the lives of others  for example, setting those in bondage free.  When you tell your story utilizing the gifts God has deposited in you,  He is using you to deliver somebody from the stronghold of addictions ( sex, drugs, alcohol, food etc.)  and not only is the person able to see that you understand what they are going through because you have been where they have been or have gone through similar challenges, but God has also given you a supernatural gift of healing and deliverance to change their lives. 

Saints do not let the enemy deceive you into thinking your story is not good enough to speak up and empower because it is a big lie from the pit of hell.  Your story or testimony will surely change a life for Christ, it will make a difference in the life of a person, a family and a community.


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