Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Rewards of Giving to the work of God - Part II

Scripture Texts:  II John 1:8, 1 Corin 16:1-2, Matt 6:1-4, Luke 6:38, Matt 6:19-20, II Kings 4:8-17
 by Kemi O.

4).  A lot of times in our local churches, at offering time, we tend to hear this verse in addition to Malachi  3 quoted from scripture a lot. Luke 6:38 which says " Give and it shall be given unto you, A good measure..." and the Lord is confirming here that when we give to His work, the same measure of which we give shall also be given back to us.  Basically, when we give to God's work and to others, we shall receive abundantly, because the Lord will bless us with so much, which will enable us to have more than enough to give again.

5).  Most of us are familiar with the story of the Shunammite woman in II Kings 4:8-17.  This was a woman whose  name was never disclosed in scripture, but she portrayed such godly traits or qualities that she had to be recognized.  This well to do woman had a gracious, hospitable quality, she was also persistent in nature and kind hearted.  She did not ask the Prophet Elisha to pray for her even though she had a need but all she wanted was for the servant of God to come in and have a meal with she and her family and after much persuasion, Prophet Elisha accepted and continue to stop by whenever he was in town.  After she perceived that he was a servant of God, she went on to prepare a room for him in the event that he visits again.

The Man of God was so moved by her kindness and hospitality that he also insisted on blessing her even though she didnt ask for anything in return.  His servant, Gehazi revealed that she had no child and he now prophesied in her life   saying" About this time next year" you will hold a son in your arms"  and so it happened according to the word spoken by the servant of God, she was blessed with a son the following year, about the same time. Indeed this kind-hearted and gracious woman received a prophet's reward because she opened her home and heart to others, and how blessed she was that this time around, it was a servant of the Most High God.

The Lord loves us so much and enjoys our service and fellowship with Him. His desire is that we worship Him with all that has been given to us from above.  For He is faithful to reward us not just when we get to heaven but also while we are still here on earth. III John 1:2, Psalm 112:1-3
We can begin to reap some of the benefits of serving Him with our time and our finances.  He also wants us to carefully guard all that we have labored for on earth so that we may not lose it, but that we, as believers  may be able to win and receive back a perfect reward in full. II John 1:8.

My dear sisters, daughters of zion, I encourage you today to be faithful stewards, generously give to God's work and to others. Obey and serve the Lord with all that you are and have and prove Him now if He will not bless you greatly in return.  Learn to trust Him to be your source and provider and see what great and mighty works He will do in your lives as a result of your obedience and faithfulness.

 Be blessed and encouraged for the Lord shall give us the grace and ability to give joyfully and willingly towards the building of His kingdom.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Rewards of Giving to the Work of God - Part I

Scripture Texts: Mal 3:8-10, II Corinthians 9:6-15, 1 Chro 22:14, 29:3-16, Acts 10:4
 by Kemi O.

Nowhere does it show throughout biblical history that those who willingly and joyously served the Lord with their resources did not receive blessings from God.  I do not recall reading such and so I am positive they were all blessed.  The people of God were rewarded one way or the other for being faithful stewards, generously giving to the work of God. Proverbs 11:25. 

Repeatedly, in both the old and new testament, the Lord reveals to us that when we give willingly to others and to His work, we will receive a reward in return. Also, remember that when you give to God, both time and finances, He will remember you and it is recorded in heaven.  Acts 10:4.
Many times, when we hear about giving towards the work of the kingdom, we attribute it only to financial resources but it is also crucial to know that we also serve the Lord with our time, using our talents, skills and spiritual gifts that He has deposited in us to use for His glory.  For example, a sister who has a passion to entertain guests in her home has been given the gift of hospitality and she will use that to the glory of God by entertaining men and women of God, the less priviledged etc and in return she shall receive a blessing for her service.

Giving to the work of God is an investment with eternal rewards for both the giver and the beneficiary of the gift . For example, when you give an offering in your local church, a portion or all of that money may be used to support the evangelism department's effort to win souls for the kingdom thereby also causing an increase in the local church. New converts through your financial givings will now yield an eternal reward for both you and the beneficiary(the convert) who has received an eternal gift (the gift of salvation).

Let us now take a look at some portions of scripture where it shows us the rewards of giving generously to God's work.

1.   Whether we admit it or not, many of us have been unfaithful at some point in time in our tithes and offering, especially our tithes  Mal 3:8.  Since the downturn of our global economy over the last three years, some have used it as an excuse not to either give their full tithes at all, or just give a portion of it each month telling themselves that " God understands my situation" but to the Lord, this is not an excuse because it's even during tough situations like these, when we are facing financial constraints that the Lord likes to prove Himself in our lives and take the glory.  If we proclaim that He is our source, our provider, Jehovah Jireh, then we should trust Him completely for our everyday needs and heart desires. 

In Malachi  3:10, God tells us that when we bring our tithes (10% of our income, first fruits) into His storehouse, we should prove Him now if He will not open the windows of heaven for us and pour us out so great a blessing that there will not be enough room to contain it. 
He even went further to promise that He will rebuke the devourer for our sakes and we will not cast our fruits young( premature harvest). We will be fruitful in every area of our lives, physically, financially, materially etc.  This is the assurance we have in Him as His children as long as we are faithful and obedient in our giving.

Having said all this, I know that the topic of tithing for so long have been a debate in the body of Christ but I just want to state here that eventhough, tithing is really not emphasized in the New testament, but it was still mentioned and a person who has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ should not worry about whether tithing is commanded in the New Testament or not.  A person who is transformed by Christ should be more like Him and that is having a generous spirit, ready to give joyfully of his or her money and time. 

Christians in the new covenant have much better blessings — spiritual ones than the Israelites bound under the old covenant .  Thereore we should more willingly give in thankfulness for the eternal blessings we have in Christ Jesus because He has liberated us from the curse of the law in order for us to freely serve Him with all our heart and resources. Gal 3:13

2. When we give to God's work which actually includes blessing others, for example, the poor, needy, etc, we should do so in a humble and quiet way.  In Matthew  6:3-4, the word of God reveals that we should give without publicly announcing it, let it be done in secret because our Father, who sees in secret will now reward us openly.  In order to receive the best from God, my dear sisters, we need to learn not to seek man's recognition or approval, but rather follow our heart, and let the Lord direct us according to the leading of His Spirit.

3. According to II Corin 9: 6b, it states that when we sow generously or bountifully and freely to God, we will also reap the same.  Even the unbelieving world, we live in, believes in the law of giving and receiving.  We hear this saying all the time " Whatever you sow, you shall also reap" They have no clue that this saying was taking out of scripture. In verse 7 of the same text, it states that each of us  give as we purposed in our heart i.e whatever you have been led to give or determined to give, do so willingly, with all liberty and not grudgingly or not because you are seeking approval from man, but do it as unto the Lord, for His sake. For it will please God for you give to His work cheerfully and with liberty.
My dear sisters, we should learn to give to the work of God joyfully. If you look at 1 Chronicles  29:2-16, it tells us how King David and all the people willingly gave their offering with great joy to God. They acknowledged  that all that they owned came from God and He was a great God able to make their lives great and continuously strengthening the works of their hands.

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