Tuesday, July 2, 2024

US Independence Day Greetings


In a couple of days, we shall be celebrating our Independence Day in the United States.  On behalf of DOZme family, we would like to say thank you for your dedication and service to our military personnel, active duty, retired and veterans and all their families.  Thank you to the families of our fallen heroes who had sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy freedom today.

As believers, we are reminded this season of the Father's love for us.  The ultimate sacrifice that He made for all humankind, by the giving of His only begotten son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as a sacrifice in order for us to be saved from eternal damnation.   John 3:16

Thank you, Father!  Thank you, Lord Jesus for freeing us from sin through your atoning sacrifice. 

#LibertyinChristJesus #Eternallife  #USIndependence  #John316  #Freedom

Honoring God in Your Relationships

Greetings DOZme family & friends

I pray you are having a great week. We bring you an empowering and enriching message from our teaching series for my fellow Christian women that emphasizes the need to honor God with the company we keep, the associates we make especially those that we bring into our inner circle. I have been blessed by this message and I pray you will too.

Check out our teaching series titled "Honoring God" and other teaching messages posted on our YouTube channel. 

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Every Blessing!

US Independence Day Greetings

  I n a couple of days, we shall be celebrating our Independence Day in the United States.  On behalf of DOZme family, we would like to say ...

United Christian Faith Ministries

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