Monday, November 4, 2019

God Has Already Made Provision

Main Text: Matthew 6:25-32

This morning as I pulled up into my driveway after returning from the gym, I found myself smitten by these two graceful little birds with red, gray, and white colors sitting on one of the trees in front of my porch. I stayed in my vehicle for at least five minutes, watching these birds feed on the tree's fruits. It wasn't unusual to see birds on trees, but I got carried away this Monday morning watching them for some strange reason. As I was watching and admiring these little birds, God's word in Matthew 6: 26 was immediately dropped in my spirit, man. I began asking myself, "if the Lord, in his infinite mercy and greatness, provides for these birds and other animals daily, how come human beings who are made in His image are starving all over the world today? Why should people be hungry for food and lacking necessities like clothing and shelter? This should not be happening in our world! The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, gave man authority to rule over the earth, to have dominion over everything, and yet we are struggling to eat and provide for ourselves and others. From the very beginning of creation, the Lord has provided all that we need to thrive on this earth; all He requested for us to do is be good stewards of it. And so, the questions we should ask ourselves is, what has happened to the command God gave us? Why are so many people lacking the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, etc., in the world? Why are children going hungry? Where have we missed the mark? We have no reason to lack any of these things because our heavenly Father has made provision for His children.
Friends, we are created in the image of God, and His word even tells us Matthew 6: 26b, "Are you not of more value than they?" meaning we, as His image-bearers on earth, are more valuable and precious than the birds of the air which He created and consistently provides for. And so you and I have no reason to lack anything, most especially the basic needs of life, because He has made them available to us.
If you read the entire main text, you will see there is no reason for us to be anxious about anything, for the Lord God has made provision for His children. There is no reason that humankind should go hungry because God has provided more than enough to meet our needs. Unfortunately, we are living in terrible times, the last days, and things are drastically changing worldwide. Poverty can be seen even in the wealthiest countries of the world. It is disheartening to see how many children go to bed hungry and how many do not have adequate clothing or safe housing.

Friends, this holiday season, I am encouraging you to utilize this opportunity to share the love of Christ with the world we live in. It is time for you to be your brother's keeper. It is time for you and me to better show love to those in need by giving our time and resources.

You may ask. "How do I go about this?" I have never given in the past."

You can first of all start by researching the local non-profit organizations in your area. Also, consider going through your church first to see if they have a ministry they work with that caters to helping the needy and the sick in your community. Most churches will have a department that handles that. 

Ways to help include:
• Volunteering in your community to serve in the following areas
1. The soup kitchens & food banks
2. Feeding people experiencing homelessness in shelters
3. Distributing & delivering food, clothing, personal hygiene
4. Donating toys and other items to local charities that care for children.
5. Hosting holiday events in homeless shelters, skilled Nursing facilities, retirement homes, etc.

• Donating financially to support the groups and ministries that provide for those in need.
• Donating in Kind (i.e., food items, clothing, shoes, personal hygiene, etc.) to local charities and organizations that support those in need.
• Through prayers and sending of cards and letters encouraging the missionaries, the workers in the field (in your communities and globally), and those providing for those in need through their donations.

Beloved, as Christians, there is no excuse not to be a blessing to others, no reason not to sow in the lives of others, especially those who are hurting, hungry, and in need of the essential things of life.
Let us genuinely be the arms and feet of Jesus in our communities, and as you do so, it will not only transform the lives of those you serve, but it will also make the heart of the FATHER glad. And His name shall be glorified through your good works. Matthew 6:15.

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