Friday, December 30, 2016

Loving One Another

Scripture Text:  I John 3:11-23

For me, this particular passage in scripture to me places much emphasis on the importance of the brethren loving one another than anywhere I have read in scripture. The enemy is waging war against the body of Christ and he knows that if he turns brother against brother and sister against sister, there will be chaos in the church and the lives of many believers will be in jeopardy of hell fire due to hatred and bitterness. In verse 12, it mentioned briefly the story we all know, Cain and Abel, how Cain hated his own blood brother so much because he saw how favored he was and as a result of envy, he killed his brother. It is not until we pick up a gun or knife to kill another, before we call it murder, our thoughts and words alone can kill our sister or brother in our hearts. 1 John 3: 15 "Anyone who hates another brother or sister[cis really a murderer at heart. And you know that murderers don’t have eternal life within them."

Beloved, as we approach the end of the year 2016, let us strive to love one another, forgive those who have hurt you in anyway, do not give the enemy an entry way into your heart through bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred. Show compassion at all times, learn to do good to all men regardless of what they think or feel about you. Let your action reflect genuine love for others, both believers and the unbelievers. Of course, showing compassion should not be only during the holiday season  because unbelievers also do good during this time of the year, and so what should set us apart from the rest of the world should be a lifestyle of giving and showing compassion throughout the year. In season and out of season, our lives must reflect that of a true believer, one who follows the Lord God Almighty, who is also the God of Love. Remember this day, how Christ Jesus gave up his life for us. This is the epitome of pure unconditional love for His children.
Beloved, if you are in the position to show love to a sister through giving of your time, resources etc, please do so with all your heart and you will see how you will get God's full attention when you do so. See 1 John 3:17-18

May the New Year bring you and your household much joy, laughter and peace in Christ's name.

Happy New Year beloved

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