We are a Christian organization serving a worldwide community of believers through our biblical training, evangelistic and outreach ministries.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Loving One Another
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Doing The Will of The Father
Beloved, are you doing the will of the Father in your life today? In addition to listening to the word, are you also a doer? Do you believe you are fulfilling God's plan for your life? If you have answered "Yes" to all these questions, Praise the Lord! Heaven awaits you! But if you have responded to "No" or you are not too sure about your stand with God at this moment in your life, then I will say to you, It is not too late to start right now to make amends by first of all confessing your sins before God and seeking His will for your life and how to serve Him.
It will be a disaster for anyone called by His name, sons, and daughters of the highest God, to be found wanting on that day. It will be a catastrophe if, on judgment day, we stand before the Father, and the book of life is opened, and guess what? Our names are nowhere to be found. God forbid!!! It shall not be our portion in Jesus' name.
We serve a God who not only delights in the praises of His people but also delights in our total obedience to Him. When we obey the Lord God, we show how much we honor and love Him and the incredible benefits that come with it. Many of us think we are operating in God's will, but sisters, do not be surprised that you are "NOT" because just because you are a church pastor or the Choir leader does not mean that you are in the will of God. We do things often without seeking God's will, and we also try to justify what we do, especially if it is church or ministry-related. Suppose you are sensitive to the voice of the Spirit. In that case, you will hear the Lord telling you what to do, how to go about it, and His will and purpose for you at that moment in time or season. It could be to feed the poor and homeless on the streets of Atlanta, Chicago, etc., for the next year, or go back to school to become a teacher, or sweeping the church for the next 30 days, or probably lead a bible study group in your community, etc., etc. We must be spiritually alert at all times to know God's will for our life for a particular time or season; when we do that, we will not make mistakes. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6 that "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. "
True disciples follow the orders and direction of their Lord and Master, they are not just hearers of the word or instruction, but they are doers as well. We must follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if you are not sure what God wants you to do or not sure if you are operating in His will, ask Him through prayer. His words tell us we should ask and receive what we ask for. Another way to know if you are walking and working in God's will is to look at the life of Jesus while He was here on earth. Study the word of God carefully and see what Jesus did. He lived a life of purpose, and He never did anything without permission and leadership from the Father. He did and said things at the right time. He did not do something when He felt like it, but according to the leading of the Father, He operated. Beloved, we are called "Christians" for a reason. In our attitudes, speech, and ways, we must be "Christ-like."
I encourage you today to ask the Lord for wisdom; our main text states in verse 24," Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock." The wisdom from the Lord guides our steps and directs our path, not our own understanding. To bolster this, James 1:5 also states," any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. The Lord knows how crucial godly wisdom is in the life of a believer. We need it to live a satisfying and acceptable life in His sight, a life of obedience. This kind of wisdom keeps us on the right path, leading to everlasting life.
Sisters, as we approach the end of the year and look forward to a new year, 2017, let us take a moment to reflect on our spiritual life and our walk with the Lord. Are we truly walking in the will of God? It is not about engaging in every church activity, being on the board of a Christian organization, drawing crowds at conferences or crusades, speaking in diverse tongues, etc. It is about your personal relationship with the Lord, His purpose and will for your life; It is about whether you are doing what He has called you to do and how you live your life for Him. It is about being confident that if you die today, you are sure that heaven awaits you. Are you serving Him the way you should? Are you living a life that is holy and pleasing before Him? Let us use this time ( myself included) to examine ourselves and seek the Lord, and as we do this, may the Lord reveal areas in our lives where we are lacking. As He does that, may we open our hearts and surrender all to Him so He can perform the necessary healing, deliverance, and transformation we need.
Beloved, instead of the Lord saying, "Depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I do not know you, He will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into my rest."
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