Monday, April 30, 2012

A Fresh Start with God - Joshua 1:1-9

By Kemi Olubiyi
Originally posted on sermon

At some point in time, most of us have been through one trial or the other in our lives and have been able to overcome them by the grace of God. However, there are some of us who are still passing through tough times and are wondering when it is going to end. I am here to tell you today that no matter what you may have gone through in the past, all you need to do is cry out to the Lord and believe that He can deliver you out of your situation. He is ready to do that by giving you a fresh start filled with His blessings. In Joshua 1:2, God was telling Joshua that it was time for him to take his position and look to new things ahead. He had to leave the past worries, sorrows and pain he may have been feeling probably over the death of his mentor and spiritual leader, Moses and whatever fear he might have had, behind and look ahead to the future. His word states in Joshua 1:5, I will not fail thee nor forsake thee meaning Joshua can completely trust in the Lord for his today, tomorrow and future.
Joshua needed a fresh start just like a lot of us do today. God was opening up a new chapter in his life, one of success and prosperity Joshua 1:8, but to tap into God’s blessings, he had to be obedient and allow God to lead him as well as believe that the Lord can make all things new. It is very easy to dwell on past failures, hurts, and disappointments but when God is done with your past, He is ready to give you a new start, you have to open your heart to receive the change God is making in your life.
We as believers need to trust the Lord to do a new thing in our lives. For according to His word in Isaiah 43:18-19, He is doing a new thing in your life, and it is currently springing forth, Can’t you perceive it? For you to recognize what He is doing in your life in the time of difficulties, you have to believe that God alone can deliver you from that situation. In verse18, He clearly states that we should not remember the former things nor consider the words of old for He knows that if you continually dwell on the past, it will surely hinder you from moving forward. As a result of dwelling on the former things, you are not in agreement with God for change in your lives, and this can delay Him from moving the way He wants to.
Some years ago, I was in a really bad place, I had just ended a 31/2 year relationship, and my finances were a mess during that same period. I was so sure there was no solution to my situation, and even though I was a believer, I had allowed doubt to come in. Despite the way I felt, it didn't stop me from earnestly crying out to God to deliver me from the heartache and the financial issues I was facing. The Lord hearkened unto to my prayers only after I had made up my mind to believe that He can do it. God finally spoke to me through the vision of the night (dream) and not only that He then confirmed it later through my pastor to prove that the message came from Him. I had never mentioned to my pastor about the dream until after he revealed to me what the Lord had spoken concerning me. The Lord had declared that my time of mourning was over, and He was opening up a whole new chapter in my life. It was going to be a modern-day filled with joy and happiness. True to His word, the vision manifested months later, it was awesome to see God move in my life. Not up to a year after that, I got married to an awesome man whom I had known most of my life. In a beautiful wedding ceremony surrounded by friends and family members was a dream come true and a year later we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. It was followed by a job promotion, a new house, and the list goes on .. I felt like I was dreaming up the whole thing, for it was indeed a period of joy and laughter in my life Psalm 126:1-2. Our God is indeed faithful, and there is no situation He cannot change, but you have to let Him by calling upon Him in prayer and believing by faith that it is done.
I have also seen how the Lord has moved in the lives of fellow believers, friends, relatives over the years. He has healed marriages that appeared to be hopeless, and He had blessed sisters with the fruit of the womb ( children), these are women that have been waiting for their miracle for several years. Even with the bad economy today, some people I know have been able to buy homes, start businesses so on and so forth, God is moving in the lives of so many of His children, and you need not to be left out. My prayer is that some of you still passing through one affliction or the other will open your hearts to receive what God has in store for you. Believe the Lord for a fresh start this year; it is not too late for Him to intervene in your situation for the year, 2008 has been labeled as a year of resurrection, regeneration and a new beginning. In the Old Testament, the Sabbath lasted for seven days and the 8th day was the Lord’s day, the modern day. The number 8, also represents Jesus Christ and the new covenant. It is time for you to cry out to God for a change for He wants to bring new things into your life that will cause you to shout for joy and glorify His name. Even though, you remember your past and all that you have endured, do not dwell on it, for it is not God’s will for you and it is not even healthy for your body and soul. Do not be afraid to release and walk away from what God is finished with for He is indeed faithful to bring you into a new day, starting anew with His goodness and mercy, following you every single day of your life. Trust God for a "fresh start" today and allow Him to transform your life.

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