Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Arise and Shine

Arise, Shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.  "The Lord shall be thy everlasting light and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.   Isaiah 60:1:20b KJV

 by. Kemi Olubiyi

 When we look all around us today, especially at the body of Christ, which we can relate to as believers; we see so much depression, frustration, sadness, anger, distress, and so on. There is so much evil in our society today that it takes the grace of God for us not to get caught up in the affairs of this world. We, as Christian women, try to put our faith in the Lord, daily trusting Him to be the best wives, mothers, daughters, and workers that we can be, and I am here to tell you today that the Lord sees all your hard work and also sees the stress of everyday life that weighs you down. And so, therefore, He is reminding us today in His word, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11: 28 KJV.


 Is not our God awesome? He knew there would be times when we will be down and distressed, and we would need His word to lift us right back up. The above verse is one of those words He has provided to comfort us in times of trouble. The Lord has assured us in His word that He will give us rest and ease our pain when we look unto Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith.


 Sisters, arise and shine this day, for your light has come; who or what is this light? It is our Lord Jesus Christ; He is our everlasting light. In Him, there is no darkness, no more pain, hurt, or distress. Allow the glory of the Lord this day to shine in your lives. Let the Lord take away your cares and burdens that weigh you down and let Him be unto you this day an everlasting light. 


 The Light of the Lord shall overshadow every darkness in your life as long as you permit Him to do so. I am not saying trying times will not come; they surely will; Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself experienced it while on earth, but He is assuring us this day that He will see us through and our days of mourning, of sorrow shall be over because He shall be our everlasting light that outshines the darkness and destroys everything that tries to steal our joy.


To God Be The Glory!!!

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