Friday, January 20, 2012

Enjoy your life

Genesis 1:31
by Joyce Meyer

When God completed His six days of creation, He took time to look over everything and He saw that "it was very good and He approved it completely" (Gen 1:31).  God took time to enjoy the work of His hands, and we should do the same. In our passion to possess more and more, we often fall into the trap of working, working, working -and we never enjoy the fruit of our labor.  Sometimes we would simply take time to relax and enjoy what we have accomplished.

The writer of Ecclesiastes said it is the gift of God for man to find enjoyment in all of his labor (Eccle 2:24).  I have always been a hard worker.  A few years ago, I realized I was working hard but not taking time to enjoy what I was doing.  I made a decision to include enjoyment in my life.  I no longer just "do" conferences; I enjoy them.  When my house is clean and pretty, I take time to look at it and enjoy it.  At the end of a year, I go over my calendar and remember the various things I have done, and I enjoy the sense of accomplishment.  I look at what God has enabled me to do and I say, "It is good."

Many people feel worthless, insecure and unacceptable, but God looked at everything He created, including man, and said, "It is very good." He approved it completely.  God knows everything about each of us, and He loves us unconditionally.  God approves of us; He may not approve of everything we do, but He does approve of us as His beloved children.  I encourage you to make a decision to not only enjoy the labor of your hands, but to approve of and enjoy yourself as well.

Choosing to enjoy and accept myself is one of the best decisions I have ever made.  God does not create junk.  He is good, and everything He does is good.  We cannot believe that God created us and also believe we are worthless.  Begin to accept and enjoy yourself where you are, and God will help you get to where you need to be.

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