Thursday, December 8, 2011

Becoming a Fruit-Bearing Christian

Scripture Text:  John 15:1-8
 by Kemi Olubiyi.

There are two types of believers in the body of Christ today, the one that bears fruit and the one that does not. Unless you continually dwell in God's presence and abide in His Son, you will not grow spiritually; it is as simple as that. John 15:1-2 tells us that Jesus is the True Vine, God is the Vine dresser, and we are the branches. A branch with a fruit cannot be detached from the vine or tree it grows on; to grow or bring forth, it has to be attached or connected to that Vine (its source of nutrition), or else it will wither away and die. 


 Let us go ahead to define what a Vine is before going further:


 A Vine, according to, is any plant having a long, slender stem that trails or creeps on the ground or climbs by winding itself about a support or holding fast with tendrils or claspers. Unlike most trees or plants that grow steadily independently, a vine requires some help to lean or climb onto to grow well. Sometimes you see them on structures such as buildings, ladders, fences, etc. Examples of such flowering plants are grapes, cucumber, and kiwi fruit. 

 Because of how these plants grow, they must be pruned often, which is the job of the vinedresser or farmer who cultivates and prunes the vines as often as necessary. In this text, I believe the type of Vine Jesus referred to here is the "Grapevine," which was very common during biblical times. We also see how this analogy applies to us, in the sense that Jesus refers to Himself as the True Vine and His Father the Vine dresser, while we are the branches and, of course, the fruit we are to bear are the souls won for the kingdom, our good works, and overall service to the Lord.

Believers are the branches connected to our Lord Jesus Christ and God; the Father is the one who takes care of the Vine to ensure that the link between Christ and us is not faulty or broken for us to mature spiritually and bear fruit. However, we shall be kept from the source if we do our part. God forbid! Jesus puts it simply in verse 2, saying, " Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He (i.e., God, the Father) will be cut away and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes so that it can bear more fruit. Beloved, we can not just receive the gift of salvation and live without impacting the world we live in like Jesus did when He was on earth. We need to follow in the footsteps of our most significant role model, our Master, and Savior. Our light has to shine amid the darkness in this world so that men can see our good works and God takes the glory. Matthew 5:16

 Verse 2b tells us that God cleanses and prunes us (the branches), cutting away things that no longer bear the fruit He desires us to show. This cutting away, which is the pruning process is usually quite painful. It could come in the form of challenges or storms in our lives, which, if you are not a mature believer and spiritually discerning, can be misunderstood as something else happening, but it (pruning) is necessary for us to grow into fruit-bearing Christians. For those believers or Christians, who are bearing fruit, He cleanses and often prunes for them to bear richer and excellent fruit. We must understand that our God is progressive, and sometimes He needs to trim us as He takes us to higher heights.


 Jesus even further states in verse 5 that if we ( believers) are not abiding in Him, bearing fruit, we can do nothing. i.e., whatever we lay our hands to do, whatever we aspire to achieve in life, it may not prosper; it may only be a temporary achievement, but sooner or later, it will not hold because we are no longer to connect to the Vine, ( The Source). Verse 6 also states that if a person does not dwell in Him, he is thrown out like a {broken-off} branch and withers; such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire, and they are burned—amplified version. Our goal as believers, once we become born again, is to strive to become useful vessels in the hands of God, vessels that He can use in these last days for His glory to accomplish His work on earth II Tim 2:21. If we are not doing that. He will raise others in our place willing to do His will.  


 May the Lord never have cause to give someone else your assignment in Jesus' name.


 Our God is such a rewarder of them who genuinely serve or seek Him Hebrews 11:6, For He promises us in verse 7 of our text that when we bear fruit for Him, we should ask whatever we so desire, whatever we wish, and it will be done. This is His promise to every believer who abides in Him and bears fruit, and it also confirms that we are His disciples. Beloved, trust the Lord to keep His promise in your life as long as you do your part.



 To become a fruit-bearing Christian or believer, I admonish us today to cultivate a regular habit of spending quality time studying & meditating on His word, in praise and worship and prayer. When we do that, we get to know, love, and appreciate Him even more and can receive direction on where He is leading us and our assignment in the body of Christ.

As we do this, His Holy Spirit will give us the grace and ability to bear much fruit in His name, and all the glory shall go to our Father in Heaven.


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