Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hope for the Lonely Woman

Bible Text: Jeremiah 29:11
by Joyce Meyer.

Many women in today's world are lonely.  Even those who have others around them often say they are lonely.  The death of a spouse or another closed loved one can leave you lonely and confused as well as feeling abandoned.  However, your circumstances don't have to be quite so severe to put you into the category of loneliness. 

Perhaps you have moved to a new neighborhood in a new city, and have begun attending a new church, or have just stated a new job, and you just don't seem to fit in yet.  I know what it's like to be lonely. 

For years the devil convinced me that no one liked me.  I believed that, and I received what I believed.  I did not like myself, and so I believed that no one else could like me either.  Learning to like myself and to pray for favor has changed my life, and it will change yours.  Social  "poverty" is not part of our heritage from the Lord. 

Beware of being passive.  Don't just wait for someone to fall into your life before you are willing to have fellowship.  Find someone who is lonelier than you and be a blessing to them.  Giving always brings joy into your life.  Be friendly and pleasant and you'll attract others who are also friendly and pleasant to be around.

Many women feel that life is more painful than they can bear.  If that is true of you, I encourage you to remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  John the Baptist, the closest person to Him, and the only one who really understood His ministry, had been violently murdered.  All of Jesus' friends had disappointed Him.  He had ministered to them for three years, and now He needed them to spend only one final hour with Him, and they hadn't been able to stay awake.

Luke 22:44 records that Jesus was under such intense pressure in His mind that His sweat became like great drops of blood.  I believe as you realize that Jesus does indeed know how you feel and has promised never to leave nor forsake you, that you will be strengthened to press on.

Things are always changing, and the way you feel right now will change with time.  Time has healing properties, and will eventually bring new direction to your life.  I also believe that lonely women can learn to enjoy being alone.

There is a major difference between being lonely and being alone.  There is also a difference in being alone and being bored.  There is no need for you to live a life of boredom.  There are far too many people who need help for anyone to be bored.  You may see yourself as a woman who can meet needs.  As you reach out to others, you will be sowing seed for your own loneliness to be overcome.

God has a good plan for your life.  " For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your outcome"  ( Jer 29:11). Be encouraged by thsi scripture.  Also choose to take some God-inspired action now.  This can be a new beginning for you!

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