Saturday, February 4, 2023

New Course for Christian Women in 2023

First New Certificate Course program of the Year

Certificate: Biblical Strategies for Women in Ministry 
  1. The Wife that Prays - Safeguarding Your Home (a course for all women)
  2.  Ministry of The Holy Spirit 
  3.  Practicing Self Care in Ministry 
  4.  Ministry of The Holy Spirit Women, a Biblical Profile
Register today by visiting our training ministry' website: 

Christmas Outreach - 2022 -

We bless God for a successful community outreach coordinated through the Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute. We served individuals and families in local communities within the following regions; Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zambia, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ,  informing them about our free ministry training program, and distributing food items and monetary gifts to several individuals and their families. It was a great success, and kudos to all our dedicated affiliate members who participated in the event. 

We look forward to planning and hosting the 2nd annual outreach in December 2023.

Stay tuned for more information.




2024 Graduation Ceremony in Zambia

                                        DOZme Int'L Training Outreach Ministry (Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute) Sends its Congratul...

United Christian Faith Ministries

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