Saturday, December 21, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Your Computer vs Your Relationship

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ESV

'Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken." 

Several times throughout my personal and professional life I have had this happen to me but today it dawned on me the comparison between this "thing" happening often and our human relationships.  

What is that "thing" I am referring to?

The COMPUTER and everything associated with it...  Technology in general!

When I came to work this morning and attempted to log on as always to my desktop computerit read: Not connected” and it showed a picture of a heart that was broken.  I am sure many of you have experienced the same thing with your desktops, laptops, mobile devices ( cell phones, tablets, etc.).   

You know right there and then, I realized that...this is the situation in so many lives. Our main text above speaks to marriage, friendship, family relationships.  These relationships are oftentimes being broken or severed "no longer connected" for one reason or the other.  In divorce proceedings, you will hear the attorney or couples telling the judge that due to irreconcilable differences, the marriage has been dissolved.  Sad isn't it?   When your computers or devices are not connecting, the Internet isn't responding, all kinds of technical issues is going on, what do you do?  You get frustrated right, if you are at work or school, you contact your IT department, technical support to try to figure out what is causing the disconnect, and then the issue is eventually resolved that day hopefully! 

Let me ask you this, are you quick to give up on finding a resolution to the computer issue? Are you in a hurry to destroy or discard the device?   If your answer is “No” to these questions,

then why are we so quick to give up on human relationships?  Why can't we work diligently at it to make it work like the devices that we use daily?   Isn't our personal relationships and even professional relationships more meaningful than a "thing" a non-living object?     Yes, our devices are essential to our daily functioning or living, but it can’t be compared to our relationships.  Our God is a God of relationships, of companionship and He created us not only for WORSHIP of Him but to also do life with each other; for fellowship, healthy interactions.  So why are we so in a haste to throw our human relationships away, I ask again?

Friends let us do a rethink of the way we treat each other.  It’s time to hold our families, friendships, marriages, and other relationships in high esteem.  Let us strive to build and maintain our relationships.      There are definitely times when we strive to maintain certain relationships and in the end it just doesn’t produce the results we hoped for... It’s okay, it happens.   As long as you know you have done your best and sought the Lord's help in that situation, then it’s time to let go and Let God take control.   In some unique situations, the Lord may be telling you to disassociate yourself from that person or persons for a purpose. If that is the case, believe me, He will reveal it to you in one way or the other. You just need to be sensitive to what is going on around you as it relates to the relationship or relationships and be sensitive to His voice and leading.  He will surely speak to your spirit man.

So, what is my intended message for all of us as we enter a new year and decade? 

Fight for your godly marriages
Value your relationships.
Strive to make peace with those who have offended you and vice versa.
Appreciate the people in your life more.
Utilize every opportunity you have;  let the people in your life know how much they mean to you.
At the same time, please be mindful of the type of relationships you are in (of course, you cannot choose your family, relatives), but you can choose your friends, spouses, working buddies, etc.  So regardless of the relationship, ask the Lord for wisdom in dealing with all relationships.  Relationships that appear toxic and damaging to your life, let go of them, keep your distance and allow God to take control of everything.

Do your best in being the best friend, spousedaughterniececousin, the colleague you can be and leave the rest. 

Have a beautiful Christmas and a glorious New Year.

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