Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Troubled? Try Praise!

Psalm 34

A lot of negative emotions accompany hardship; frustration, despair, fear and doubt.  People ruled by these feelings will often make poor choices.  This is why I recommend that you decide now to respond to troubled times the way the psalmist did: with a heart of praise.  Even in the darkest hours, worshipping God fills the heart with joy and the mind with peace.  A believer who is filled in this way can wisely keep a commitment to obey the Lord no matter what.

Worshipping the Lord enlarges our vision.  By doing so, we begin to see how He is at work in the world, perhaps in ways and places we've never noticed before.  More particularly, we see what God is doing in our situation and detect areas where He requires obedience from us

Our human tendency is to plot a course through a situation toward the easiest solution.   But believers who strike out on their do not mature in their faith.  Moreover, they miss out on the blessings of following the Lord 's plan.  Stopping to praise can keep us from taking the easy way out and direct us to the right path -  namely,  the way of God's will.  Taking a step forward  in faith can be frightening .  However, we can confidently  take a risk,  knowing our omniscient, omnipotent God has His children's best interest  in mind ( Isa. 64:4; Jer. 29:11).  
It's hard to despair  while honoring the Lord for His love and strength .  We can dispel doubt  by recalling  His past faithfulness to us - and ease frustration  by committing our future plans to Him.  Praise is not the obvious reaction to hardship,  but it is the wisest response.

By  Dr. Charles Stanley
IN TOUCH Ministries

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