Wednesday, May 25, 2016

With God, All Things are Possible

"And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God."  Luke 1:36-37

Sometime in 2003, I witnessed God's miraculous power in the life of a sister in Christ. This beautiful sister worked as a Registered Nurse on the East coast, and at the time, she had just turned 40 years old. She wasn't a member of my local assembly, but she was referred to my Pastor for prayers; her story was that she had been married for approximately ten years and had been unable to conceive and, like most women who are over 35, the fear of not being able to have children grips you. That fear can cause many sleepless nights, robbing you of your peace. She and her husband had done everything within their human strength to have a baby, but nothing was working, and they had gone from church to church for prayers and spent a lot of money on treatments ..No change!


When she was introduced to my pastor, he assured her that God was in control, but he wanted her to do a couple of things... He said to her " Everything I tell you to do, please do it in obedience," and she agreed. What did he instruct her to do?

 -To fast and pray on specific prayer points for a specified period and limit her conversations with people related to her getting pregnant. ( in other words, she should spend more time in the presence of God and less time talking on the phone, lamenting about her situation, etc.).  He also told her that when God finally does it, she should tell no one that she is pregnant ( of course, except for those she comes in contact with since she will not be able to hide the pregnancy after a while) until after she gives birth.  About 9-10 months later, we got the news that this sister had just given birth to not just one baby boy but two, a set of twins. How wonderful our God is!


What a miracle and a display of God's power in the lives of those who trust Him. Our God is more than able, for He specializes in the impossible.

Friends my encouraging words for you today is to believe in the Lord, your God, for your breakthrough, there is nothing on this earth and in heaven above, impossible with the Almighty God. He is the giver of life and all good things, including the fruit of the womb, which is His reward Psalm 127:3. This sister was hoping for one child, but at 40, the Lord blessed her with twins (double blessing). Look at Elizabeth, she was probably much older than this sister, and many around her had already concluded she was barren. Still, God had the final say over her situation, and in her old age, she gave birth to a great man of God, John the Baptist, who became the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 So please do not accept any negative label from people, but continue to fix your eyes on Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of your faith.

 This season, I decree that anything dead in your life become resurrected, any womb that the enemy has shut, and any woman labeled barren by others, I declare by the power in the name of Jesus Christ and by the blood of the lamb, that the womb receive life now and every woman still trusting the Lord for your miracle, claim yourself as a fruitful vessel to carry your child this season in Jesus name. 


Your Testimony is around the corner!!

Your Testimony is around the corner!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Anniversary Greetings

We bless the Lord for how far He has brought us in the work of the kingdom since 2011.  By His grace, DOZme/Daughters of Zion, A Ministry of Excellence shall continue to thrive and do greater works for the Kingdom of God as He leads and directs us in these last days.
Our sincere thanks and love to all who have supported this ministry and the vision God has given us in one way or the other.  We are truly grateful and bless the Lord for each of you. Our prayer is that we shall all continue to excel in the work/assignment we have each being called to do and at the end of our race.. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ shall declare unto each of us "Well done good and faithful servant" God bless you and yours always.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother's Day greetings



A happy & blessed Mother's day to all virtuous women, wise women and daughters of Zion. May you grow in grace and strength as you continue in the ministry of motherhood.  Have a wonderful and glorious day and hope you have a beautiful time with the Lord, family & loved ones. 


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

If GOD be for us,..........

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? 
Romans 8:31

We are God's beloved people, He does not joke with us at all. We are too valuable to Him and so If God is for us, who dares stand against us. The enemy will try his usual tactics i.e oppression, hitting believers on every side with life's issues such as family problems, marital problems, finance and the list goes on, but when you know the God you serve is always on your side, you will have no need to fear the perils of this world. Why? because His word reminds us in verses 35-39 of Romans 8 that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God.    At the end of the day, the enemy loses the battle and can not rob us of our joy because the Lord God has the final say over our lives. So beloved sister and friend, be encouraged today, appreciate how much you are worth to God, do not let anything or anyone stand in your way. Remember that God is always on your side and you are His temple. I will leave you with this scripture verse among many to remind you how much God values you and fights for you.

"Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple." 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Be Encouraged today my friend, the Lord is on your side.

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