Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fear not, The Lord shall deliver you.

Isaiah 51:3-16, Hebrews 13:6, Psalm 70:1-5 ESV

by Kemi Olubiyi

Beloved, do not allow the enemy to steal your joy, for God wants your life to continually be filled with joy and gladness and so learn to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you may be facing. He is more than able to deliver you from every challenge, situation,  that is weighing you down. The word of God says in Psalm 27:1-2 " The Lord is my light and my salvation;whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" What does this mean? It means God is assuring you that you have no reason to fear the challenges and the oppression of this world because He is your refuge, your protector, the place where you run to for safety.  Over and over again in scripture, we see the Lord comforting His people and consistently fighting their battles for them. What a great and mighty God we serve!

In Isaiah 51:12, The Lord goes further to instruct you not to fear man who withers away like the grass in the field.  Why? Because Man can never stop or hinder the plan of God for your life, who can annul what He has purposed for you  Isaiah 14: 27.  The Lord advises again in Hebrews 13:6, that you should boldly confess that He is your helper and you should not fear what mortal men can do unto you and that is why King David in Psalm 70:1-2,  ran to the Lord, for help because He knew only the Lord alone can come to his rescue and deliver him from the hands of his oppressors.  Beloved, no man, not even the devil himself can harm a hair on your head unless God approves it and we can see an example of that in Job 1:12 when the Lord told satan that he can do whatever he desired to all that Job had, but he must not touch his life and if you do not know the story of Job, you can start by reading the whole first chapter of Job to understand it better.  

God wants you to trust Him completely with your life. He wants you to know that He is your deliverer and is constantly fighting your battle for you because you are his daughter.  The Lord is your constant companion, who is never far away when you need him and as a result, immediately you call out to Him for help, He comes to your defense and move in that situation according to His divine will.   The Lord assures you that no matter what your oppressors try to do, no matter the challenges you face in this life which is usually temporary, He will always be by your side, covering you in the shadow of His hand, while His salvation which last forever is available to you. Isaiah 51:6.

Beloved, God loves you so much and He wants to always be there to comfort you in times of sorrow, distress, pain etc and so He is telling you today to "fear not" when tough times come and they definitely will , do not fear because that is what the enemy wants you to do in order to steal your joy,  but instead commit your life into His hands because He is more than able.  Learn to trust Him today and allow God to fill your life with joy and gladness which only Him can give.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Trusting God's perfect Timing For You

Scripture Verse:  Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11
By Kemi Olubiyi
Our God is a God of time and season, He carefully plans out everything He does for His divine purpose... an example of this is the "Creation story" God took His time to design our world, one day at a time until He was finished and it was perfect.  The same way God takes His time to answer our prayers or fulfil His plan for our lives. He does it at His own time. It could take days, weeks, months or even years but if He has said He will do it, He surely will in due season, His appointed time for us.  All He wants us to do during the period of waiting is to trust in Him..He is the one that perfects all that concerns us. Psalm 138:8.
It is normal human behavior to be impatient, we want what we want NOW and when it doesn't happen at the time we expect or desire it, we tend to go into a period of questioning God but If we are sensitive to the voice of the Spirit at that time, we can hear Him telling us to hold on and put our trust in Him . We, believers need to learn how to be at peace all the time with the Lord's decisions for our lives and just rest in Him.  Constant worrying, doubting, questioning are all signs of lack of trust in Him.  We may never get the answers to all our prayer requests for a number of reasons, one of them could be that" it just isn't the right time for that prayer request to manifest or be fulfilled. For example,  Two years before, God may very well have answered the prayers of a Sister looking for a husband , but then it is yet to manifest years later because He is still preparing either the man or woman for marriage and so therefore, getting married prematurely could mess God's plans up for that union.  The Lord knows what's best for us and when.  His thoughts towards us is good and not of evil to give us a hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11.
Trusting God often requires not knowing how He is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it.     There is this gospel song that I heard years back on the radio,  It goes like this :
He is an on time God yes He is, Oh oh, He is an on time God, yes He is, He may not come when you want Him, but He will be there right on time, He's an on time God, yes He is.
God is not early, neither is He ever late but definitely on time as the song above states.  He sometimes uses the time of waiting on Him to bring about growth and change in our lives.  We learn to trust God by going through many life experiences that requires trusting him and having faith.  Think about it, If He always answered our prayers when and how we want Him to, wouldn't that lead us to becoming  "Spoilt Brats" always demanding what we want now and getting it. Such attitudes does not help us to grow into strong and able bodied believers. We are no different from our children who try to do the same thing with us.  The Lord wants us to grow and develop into women of excellence in order to fulfil His purpose for our lives and so therefore there will be times when our faith and trust in Him will be tested.   As we learn to trust God's perfect timing for us, we begin to enjoy the period of waiting as He packages those blessings  as well as prepare us for our individual Ministries.
The life of  Abraham in the book of Genesis is a great example of God's perfect timing in the life of His people.  The Lord had promised him that He would give Him a son, whose name will be called Isaac, and the prophesy did not manifest until many years later when Abraham was very old and his wife, Sarah was well past the age of child bearing, but the Lord kept His promise, He honored His word in Abraham's life.  Another great example of God's perfect timing is in the life of Joseph in the book of Exodus. The vision was revealed years before it was fulfilled.  Joseph had to endure a period of trials and tribulations in order for Him to reach his divine destination and he now later became the savior of his father's house.  I know we all have stories of how the Lord has moved at certain periods in our lives e.g how a need was met at the exact time we needed it, I know I can testify to that ; the Lord was indeed at work but there are also times when we ponder on certain life issues..for example, we wonder why we didnt get married at the age of 25 like some of our friends, or why did'nt I have kids on time or why did'nt we finish that project or college program  all those years ago, or maybe my life would be better now if I had kept that job, finished that project, moved to that city or why didn't I start my ministry years ago when I had the extra time & resources to do so, or how could I miss out on that great opportunity and the questions goes on and on...  We may be blaming ourselves for this and that, but we fail to see that it may have been God's plan all along for things to happen the way they did because He orders our steps and directs our paths, our destiny is in His hands.  

 I remember a time when my husband always use to say it was my fault that we did'nt get married about 5 years earlier than we did, we would have finished having children a long time ago and accomplished certain projects before now etc.,  but I finally had to tell him that our lives are in God's hands and if it was His will for us to marry earlier, He would have planned for us to do so but He does know best, for as far as I am concerned It just wasn't our time yet. He had to eventually agree with me when It dawned on Him that truly, God is the Master planner of our lives and He is always in control.   Same thing with ministry, we may be thinking that we should have already being far along in our individual assignments, but instead we are still in the early stages, but God maybe saying this is where He wants us to be at this particular time. He is the director of our lives. In Proverbs 16:9, "it says" In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps". When God directs our path, He sometimes leads us in ways we don't understand and it is not really for us to understand but just trust Him for He knows what is best.
  So my dear Sisters,  God does not operate on our own schedule or time table. His word promises us in Habakkuk 2:3 to wait on the vision, it will not tarry, (not be late) but it shall surely come to pass.   The Lord wants us to depend completely on Him allowing Him to direct our paths and as we wait upon Him for that prayer request to be answered or that calling to be fulfilled , let us learn to lean on the Lord, trusting Him for His perfect timing  in our lives because He is indeed a God of time and season.

Scripture Text to remember:
 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him,  and he will make straight your paths.(Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

A happy & blessed Mother's day to you my dear friends, and fellow Daughters of Zion. May you have a wonderful and glorious time as you share your day with the Lord, family & friends.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Mother's Love

By Kemi O.

No words can describe the power of a mother's love.  It is a love that can almost be compared to the love that the Almighty God has for His children.  She is a nurturer, a teacher, a friend, a companion, a protector, an encourager and the list goes on and on.....

None should underestimate the power of a mother's love for it is unconditional, it is patient and passionate; no matter the difficulties she faces, the love for her child never fades and she will go through fire just to protect her children (offspring). Having said this, there will be times that her love will be tested, but in the end, it will withstand the storms that come.  A mother's love may not be perfect, only the love God has for us is, but her love is the closest thing to perfection.   A mother will make mistakes  because she is human, nevertheless do not doubt that her love is genuine.

So as we approach Mother's day, let's give God praise for the women in our lives, Moms, Grandmas, Daughters, Sisters, Nieces, Aunts, etc .....who love and care for us.  No matter what she may have or have not done in the past, use this period to forgive and move on, rekindling your relationship with her, and the Lord will help you every step of the way in Jesus name.

 "Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate" (Proverbs 31:31).

Mothers, I want to say this to you.. the greatest way, you can show love to your children, is for you to know the greatest lover of all, our Lord Jesus Christ and once you have known Him, direct your children to Him.  1 John 4:7-12

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Famous Quotes:

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. ~Abraham Lincoln

Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime.
~William Shakespeare

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. ~Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul

No language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mother's love. It shrinks not where man cowers, and grows stronger where man faints, and over wastes of worldly fortunes sends the radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star. ~Edwin Hubbell Chapin

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along. ~Margaret Culkin Banning

Motherhood is priced
Of God, at a price no man may dare
to lessen or misunderstand.
~Helen Hunt Jackson

The formative period for building character for eternity is in the nursery. The mother is queen of that realm and sways a scepter more potent than that of kings or priests. ~Author Unknown

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